Significant drug interactions with narcotics
Just a small blog before the weekend starts... Since I guided a student from the Forensic Science Master (University of Amsterdam) during her literature thesis on Volatile Organic Compounds from narcotics in breath (presenting her findings on Dec. 13th of 2017, 13:45-14.30, Location A1.06), I wanted to investigate how much information I can find on narcotics in Wikidata . However, there was no label to investigate which compounds are listed under the Opium law (Dutch law on prohibited substance, which you are allowed to use, but not to sell/traffic etc.). So, I added this label for the compounds from List 1 and 2 (there is a difference in harm, however all compounds on these lists are considered to be narcotics), where there was a International Non-proprietary Name (INN) listed (Note: I hope to get to the compounds which do not have an INN yet somewhere in the near future). So, after I did all this manual work (261 unique chemical compounds), I wanted to see what I could do with all...