I'm a scientist, not a (wo)man

Today, we are going to play a little game, which I "borrowed" from the popular Dutch TV show " Wie van de drie " (which was again borrowed from a American TV show, called: " To Tell the Truth "). I will show you three figures, and ask you the following question: Which of these three (A, B or C) is an actual Special Issue paper theme? So, please take a look at the following: Which one do you think actually exists? If we take a look at answer A, and suppose that one is true, I do not believe the special issue would stand a chance. I think that woman would not accept that there is a paper which is so discriminating towards them. And what about answer C? That one also sounds a bit ridiculous... Babies should not be behind a computer, studying Computational Chemistry (or quantum physics for that matter ;)....). So, if you gave a "truthful" answer to my earlier asked questions, the answer would be B (see also the editorial piece wr...